About the Houston County Republican Party
Our Mission
Our mission is clear: to elect strong and constitutionally conservative Republicans to public office at all levels of government. We aim to create positive and meaningful change for our community, guided by the principles of limited government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defense. We firmly believe that these values are the cornerstone of a prosperous and thriving Houston County. As an official subset of the National and State (Alabama) Republican Party, we subscribe to the officially adopted republican party platform which is agreed to every four years during the Presidential election cycle at the Republican National Convention.
Community Engagement
We believe that the strength of our party lies in the active participation and engagement of our members and supporters. We encourage individuals from all walks of life to join us, share their ideas, and actively participate in shaping the future of Houston County.
During the Primary Election season, it is our job to oversee the Republican Primary in Houston County. We help Republican candidates through the qualification process, but do not endorse any one candidate over the other until the General Election.
During the General Election, we will strongly support the Republican Candidate nominated by the voters of Houston County.
The Houston County Republican Party meets the last Monday of every month (excluding November, December, and Monday Holidays) at 6pm on the 3rd floor of the Houston County Administration Building (462 N. Oates St. Dothan, AL. 36303). Join our email list to be notified of meetings, events, and unexpected schedule changes.
Join our email list!
About the Houston County Republican Women
The Houston County Republican Women meet the 4th Thursday of every month at the Wiregrass Rehabilitation Center (795 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan) at 11:30am for lunch, with the meeting beginning at 12:00. Pay for lunch and RSVP to hcrwdothan@gmail.com

Our Leadership
Alex Reynolds

Dr. John Bentley
Vice Chairman
Tess Ruiz
Barbara Wheelless
Susie Chancy

PAC Treasurer